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(For Click on the magnifying glass view)
160 x 210cm 146.00 Fr.
160 x 240cm 169.00 Fr.
Pillow sizes
65 x 65cm 35.00 Fr.
50 x 70cm 42.00 Fr.
65 x 100cm 52.00 Fr.
Sondergrössen: Preis von nächster Grösse
Sizes and prices
Suitable for the following fix towels
High-speed and Selection Fix sheets
130 weiss, 132 ecru, 050 sonne, 121 gold, 142 zimt, 090 lavendel, 030 lind, 064 anthrazit
Emotion Fix sheets
131 weiss, 133 wollweiss, 031 zartgrün, 091 lila, 065 titan
Duvet-Clip 15.00 Fr.
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